Friday, June 11, 2010


Korach: danger


A theme that swims through Korach is the danger of approaching the sanctuary of the holy.  Approaching the holy is a great temptation but it is lethal if not done properly or by a person that has not been chosen for it. Yet, Korach, Dathan and Aviram want to take that chance and, true to the rule, die the attempt. They die in a manner that demonstrates that the rules of nature do not apply when dealing with the sacred.


The people are horrified and a plague begins.  Moshe tells Aaron to charge the sensor and that stems the plague.  Aaron stands between the living and the (grateful?)dead.  Perhaps it is the recognition that Aaron is qualified to intercede with the divine that saves the people.


The people have been forced to deal with the divine, with absolute justice.  Hesitation in entering the Promised Land, otherwise normal fears, now cost them their opportunity. They need a better deal! Perhaps Moshe is too close to Gd.  


It is wonderful that the creator of the golden calf becomes the high priest.



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