Friday, February 19, 2010

Trumah: where is Gd?

Trumah: where is Gd?
The notion that Gd has a place is strange to the modern conception.  Gd is everywhere, always more than available, not just helping, but directing history  through the Divine Forces.  so what is this place with all its decorations and accouterments? 
The core is the ayduth, the testimony.  testimony is a spoken communication.  The parsha says that Gd will speak (to Moshe) from between the Cheruvim  but that communication is not called ayduth.  It seems that the contents of the ark, the tablets and the original, first edition of  the Torah  are the ayduth, testimony, of Gd's communication with Israel. 
Perhaps this ayduth is connected to the edyo, the jewelry that the people removed when confronted with the error of the golden calf.  Perhaps jewelry is a testimony to the love between the giver and recipient of the object.  The tablets  and the Torah are a testimony to Gd's love for Israel and the ark, the jewel box demonstrates how precious that token of love is for the recipients.



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