Sunday, February 07, 2010


The title: Yithro...yether...extra...extravaganza
The entire production is merely a  show ( nes)
At the core of yithro is the Rock Concert, the law set in stone, the Ten Commandments.
The Law is the eitz chaim, the tree of life, from which Adam was banished ( lest he eat from it and live forever)
Mount Sinai is off limits to the people ( lest the Lrd break through and many die). It is like the tree of Knowledge and the tree of Life
The law is dangerous, especially in its raw state, but it can be taught, tamed.
What is the relationship between Gd and the law?  In this Parsha they arrive  together, the law is how people can relate to Gd and live. Relating to Gd directly means death.
A person cannot relate to Gd because it is the eternal part of the person that needs to make the connection with the eternal Gd and people spend their eternity dead.  Life is very short, an insignificant portion of  time. 


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