Friday, December 11, 2009

Vayeshev: Dreams

 Vayeshev: Dreams


Dreams play a central role in Vayeshev.  The dream of Joseph, the dreams of the wine steward and baker suffuse the chapter.

In each situation, the significance of the dream is different.


The consequence of  the  wine steward's dream devolves from its interpretation.  Joseph spins the dream positively. Thus, at Pharaoh's birthday party, the wine steward looks happy and confident.  He looks like it would be appropriate to restore him to his previous position. (Barabus?)

The baker is frightened by his interpretation.  he looks scared and nervous.  He looks like he could make another error.  off with his head!


In this vein, the dream of Joseph reflects Joseph's self confidence.  His dreams reveal that he believes that he will triumph over those around him And he does!

Perhaps the confidence comes from the Coat of many colors, and the gift of the coat comes from Joseph's position as a Ben Zikunim which Onkelos translates as Bar Chakim, perhaps it refers to the idea that his child-rearing technique improved?




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