Friday, October 16, 2009

Bereshith: the end

 Bereshith: the end



IN Pirke Avoth we hear that the Chacham is the one who sees the consequences, the end of his creation.

 Certainly The Creator is a chacham.  The first word, Bereshith, contains the word Rosh, the head, the seat of chachma.


The word bereshith , if one removes the weak letters ( aleph and yod) consists of the second ( and then the frist) letter followed by the last three letter, the beginning foresees the end



The idea of the beginning implies something outside, and thus raises the possibility of an end, a return to something outside.  


If one removes the weak letters and the prefix (beth) and the suffix (Tof) one is left with Rash: the big bang. 


The word Bresith can be an acronym:
beth: Bohu ( the potential  state of primordial matter)

Raish: Ruach 

Aleph; Or: light

shin: Choshech: darkness

yod: Yehi: let it come into being

Tof: Tohu: the primordial matter that begins with the last letter, the end.


Anything we do has consequences and ramifications.


The Eitz Hadaas gave us the ability to imagine. TO create worlds.  To be like gds.

The good gd has the end in mind at the begining


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