Behar Bechukothy: sources
Behar Bechukothy: sources
The two parshioth stress the importance of the source of information. Behar starts with identifying the entities ( Gd and Moshe) and the location ( Mt. Sinai) of the upcoming rules ( the Sabbatical year). The second parsha identifies the laws as Gd's unquestionable edicts (chukothy) and the consequences of (not) following them.
In our days, I imagine that information is validated by its observed reproducibility, not by its source. In those areas in which I am more expert, I understand that the reporter of the information has a great influence on the "facts" than I would like. There are no facts, only observations and beliefs.
The statement that אֶל-מֹשֶׁה, בְּהַר סִינַי לֵאמֹר. And the LORD spoke unto Moses in mount Sinai, saying, identifying what follows as Sinaitic in origin, makes one wonder about the origin of the statements that preceded this pronouncement. All of Vayikra up to this point is takes place after Sinai. Vayikra begins with: And the LORD called unto Moses, and spoke unto him out of the tent of meeting, saying:
The place is the ohel moed, not Sinai.
The story that immediately precedes Behar is certainly not Sinaitic because Moshe must imprison the blasphemer to go ask Gd what to do with him.
This post Sinai consultation with Gd precedes the pronouncement that the laws of the Sabbatical year, the laws of the sale of property (preventing the housing bubble), etc are from Sinai.
What does it mean that laws are from Sinai? This designation: Halacha leMoshe MiSinai is given to many rules that are not even hinted to in the Tanach.
It might mean: the laws that unify the Jewish people, or the laws that are unique to Jews, or the laws that are the common knowledge of the Jews - so obvious that they need not be stated explicitly. It might mean that they can be derived by recombining the ten commandments.
Knowing is believing.
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