Friday, April 23, 2010

Acharei Moth-Kedoshim:

Acharei Moth-Kedoshim:
The parshioth are structured like a sandwich. The Yom Kippur service is described in detail.  The description is introduced in the context of the death of the sons of Aaron - a reminder of how dangerous the service can be.
Then comes Molech and the forbidden relationships. Kidoshim provides the meat of the sandwich and ends with... Molech and the forbidden relationships. These passages are read in our Yom Kippur service.
The Yom Kippur service is very strange. A goat (Seir) is sent to Azazel, in contrast to the goat that is offered to Hashem.  In the parsha we are adjured not to offer sacrifices to seirim.
Molech: the talmud (Sanhedrin 64a) says that some rabbbis do not consider Molech idolatry, but rather an acceptance of subservience to an (effete) power.  The prohibition of Molech involves initiating descendants into the service.
Are the Freemasons followers of Molech? Are American patriots? Communists?  Allen Ginsberg  ( a violator of the forbidden) has a great midrash on Molech ((youtube) (Howl text).
It is confusing out there. Follow instructions and things may work out. Reality is a sandwich
Last year ( recommended):


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