Thursday, November 15, 2012

Toldoth past posts (2011 and links)

Toldoth: Dominance
When Rivkah wonders about the turbulence in her womb, Gd tells here that there are 2 nations and the older will serve the younger.  The dominance theme is already set. 
Did that information color the way the boys were raised?  Did she inform Yitzchak, the father? If she did, how can we understand his behavior, initially favoring Esau? Did he want to fight fate?
Why is the blessing set up as the domination of one brother over the other?  Is there no solution that involves sharing?
Why must Yitzchok endorse a blessing given under false pretenses? Because the claim was not false.  When Yaakov announced that he was the first born Esau, he had bought that identity for the purpose of obtaining the blessing.  Did Esau not understand?  Did the sale of the birthright include the blessing?
What is this story of Avimelech.  The people of Grar  could not tolerate Yitzchok’s success.  Is this the model for Yaakov and Esau?




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