Friday, November 09, 2012

Chayeh Sarah: Chemistry

How things in the world combine is a great mystery. Chemicals combine to form compounds, stable molecules; people combine to become families.  Difference become points of attraction, all of the parts that need protection from the outside world are sheltered in the new entity.  This is one of the works of the destiny aspect of Gd [ after the creation, Gd makes shiduchim]

The main story of the parshah is the marriage of Rivkah to Yitzchok. Avraham has buried his (real) wife, Sarah and thereby purchased a piece of the Promised Land [for its full price,  in a public transaction].  He has acquired a burial plot.  There is no greater  perpetuity than a burial plot.  The intention is clearly that it is bought until the Resurrection.  Sarah is buried there, in Kiriyat Arbah.  She becomes part of the land. My parents are part of the land ( near Bieth Shemesh); my wife and I have reservations nearby -  when our time comes. 

Avraham's negotiation for the land is a dance. It all does not fit together unless he pays full price for land that  is offered as a gift. It is chemistry. 

Eliezer [thinks he] makes up a magical formula to identify the woman that Yitzchok should marry.  Whoever guesses the password [ "and I will water your camels, too] wins the prize.  Eliezer is  shocked when this happens, and the girl is beautiful, marriageable,  and from the right family.  Every dream has a very low probability of occurrence; every occurrence is a certainty with probability =1. Eliezer gives Rivkah's family every opportunity to spoil the match, but the destiny aspect of Gd, the Gd of chemistry and successful negotiations, prevails. 

Monday is my mother's yahrzeit. The parsha evokes the special chemistry of my parents, how they saved each other in the Holocaust ...and its aftermath.  Is it a coincidence that the  haftorah is about the mother of Shlomo?


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