Friday, November 02, 2012

Vayera: to the limit

Early in the parsha, Avraham pleads with Gd for the people of Sodom ( including the oft saved Lot). The plea turns into a negotiation, the required number of righteous souls drops gradually from 50 to 10, but no lower than ten.  Ultimately, not even the ten required to rescue all the rest are found, the cruel mob behavior of the Sodomites is demonstrated  and only Lot, his wife and 2 daughters escape that holocaust.  Avraham tested the limit of Gd's mercy, and went no further. 

Near the end of the parsha, Avraham obeys the heavenly command to bring his son as a burnt offering ( a holocaust),  His test of faith goes to the limit.  He has the knife in hand when the test is stopped and Avraham is given an A+, with rewards specified. Gd tested the limits of Avraham, to go further would have created a tragedy. 

Before the binding of Isaac, Avraham sent Ishmael and Hagar into the desert.  At the least, he exiled his son and her mother. Were it not for another divine intervention, they would have died of thirst.  Avraham went to the limit of his heart for his loyalty to Sarah. 

May we be spared from the tests of the limits, may we, and the tester, always pass.


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