Friday, September 28, 2012

Haazinu: Politics

Haazinu describes the undulating fate of the nation.  The rise from oppression, conquest of the land, repeat subjugation , and re-emrgence.  It is a grand panorama, a symphony .  It is an extravaganza that involves the Israelites,  an aggressive Babylon, a Fascist Rome and a nuclear Persia. The events and the actors are so big that the involvement of any individual, the single vote, is insignificant, undetectable. These are the kinds of events that are appropriate  for Divine  intervention.

The parsha ends with a coda of  couple of sentences describing the fate of Moshe.  He will not enter the land, but see it from afar.  He, the individual,  was also guilty of the sin of not glorifying Gd to the extent demanded. 

The prophetic nature of the Haazinu poem is seen in verse 41:   אִם-שַׁנּוֹתִי בְּרַק חַרְבִּי
There it is: the name of the era: Barak   At position 95.3% in  the poem (41/43) in  the 96.2% year( (5773/6000).
Which Barak? Obama? Ehud? both.  The word also appears in the Haftorah. טו  וַיִּשְׁלַח חִצִּים, וַיְפִיצֵם; בָּרָק, ויהמם (וַיָּהֹם). Huh!

The Haftorah presents a more personal relationship with the Almighty.  But since it is King David's relationship, i have trouble identifying with the successor of Saul.

i will have my life, and Gd, data-miner that Gd is, will look at me and be my tower of strength, through the strength of my people, through our recovery.


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