Friday, October 05, 2012

Zoth Habracha: Nations 2010

Zoth Habracha

מִסִּינַי בָּא וְזָרַח מִשֵּׂעִיר לָמוֹ--הוֹפִיעַ מֵהַר פָּארָן
אַף חֹבֵב עַמִּים

We identify the  first phrase as the attempt to give the Torah to the descendants of Esau, who live in Seir and the children of Ishmael who dwell in Paran.
Hobaba is  Jethro.
I prefer not to think of the genetics, but rather the cultural variations being more or less conducive to the acceptance of Torah.  Esau, Seir  is concerned with appearance... the robes of Esau are  are so significant that his father , Isaac, identifies him by the robes. Seir:hair! ( or perhaps Hair [ the play].

Ishamel is the outcast son of the maidservant, but Gd listens to him in his  alienation.
Jethro is hospitable and accepts outside beliefs and gives brilliant advice ( a hierarchical system of courts with a written constitution).

How do the tribes, who tried to kill Joseph compare?  favorablly, I guess.

May Gd help us.  Hosheanna, as seen on the teeth of the Gentile in A Serious Man.


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