Friday, March 27, 2009


Vayikra: confronting  ( hidden) reality



Vayikra describes several sacrificial rites.  Olah, Shlomim, Chatoth, Ashom. The animal sacrifice is a testimony to the nature of life.  The animal is killed demonstrating that life is fragile, a small act on the body ends life.   ( N.B. the shechitah is always attributed to the  donor and the blood  service to the Kohanim, shechitah kosher  bizar) )Then the fire, Aish ( what is common to man and woman- ish  and ishah) separates that which ascends ( the smoke, the spirit) from that which returns to the earth ( the ash). The inanimate substrate of the living animal is revealed by the shichtah and a hidden aspect of matter  is released by the fire. 


 I do not think that the English word (ash (1) "powdery remains of fire) is unrelated, rather a limited view.  It is interesting that the Hebrew word  for ash(Afar) contains the word for bull ( par)  



Within this exposition  of the the, the motivation  is rarely given.  But among the reasons that are given, one clear, dominant theme is that sacrifices are part of the expiation for sins of fraud and deception, failing to give testimony. The denial of truth! The deep honesty exemplified by the animal korban is not just the absence of a lie, it is the confrontation of potential ( the unkept vow) and the degree to which it is realized.  Thus the Lrd did not turn to the sacrirfice of Cain.


Vayikra: confronting  ( hidden) reality



Vayikra describes several sacrificial rites.  Olah, Shlomim, Chatoth, Ashom. The animal sacrifice is a testimony to the nature of life.  The animal is killed demonstrating that life is fragile, a small act on the body ends life.   ( N.B. the shechitah is always attributed to the  donor and the blood  service to the Kohanim, shechitah kosher  bizar) )Then the fire, Aish ( what is common to man and woman- ish  and ishah) separates that which ascends ( the smoke, the spirit) from that which returns to the earth ( the ash). The inanimate substrate of the living animal is revealed by the shichtah and a hidden aspect of matter  is released by the fire. 


 I do not think that the English word (ash (1) "powdery remains of fire) is unrelated, rather a limited view.  It is interesting that the Hebrew word  for ash(Afar) contains the word for bull ( par)  



Within this exposition  of the the, the motivation  is rarely given.  But among the reasons that are given, one clear, dominant theme is that sacrifices are part of the expiation for sins of fraud and deception, failing to give testimony. The denial of truth! The deep honesty exemplified by the animal korban is not just the absence of a lie, it is the confrontation of potential ( the unkept vow) and the degree to which it is realized.  Thus the Lrd did not turn to the sacrirfice of Cain.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Vayakhl Pikudei: repitition

Vayakhl Pikudei: repetition



The last 2 parshioth of shemoth are notable for their repetitiveness.  The description of the construction of the Mishkan is repeated in the context of its actual construction and  an accounting of the materials.  The repetition emphasizes the exactitude of the replication of the instructions, the precision with which the plans became  reality ( very German?).


Our experience of the Mishkan is the memory of the second temple ( the third iteration) that was a shadow of the original instructions... (And then there is the description of Ezekiel, yet another modification, instructions for the next Temple.)


Following Gd's instructions with precision is held to be a great quality and exemplified by Moshe.  This is the essence of the Chok.  It is comforting that Betzalel deviates from the instructions, injecting his own human logic in the order of the construction. 


It is noteworthy  that during the final assembly of the Mishkan, the concept of Masecha reappears, perhaps an incorporation of the Eigal Masecha.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Ki thisa and Purim

Ki thisa and Purim

 Parsha Kisithais the parsha of the second chance. Purim is the holiday of the second chance. 

Both the parsha and Purim have multiple levels of error and redemption from error.

The simple level in the parsha is the golden calf and the second set of tablets.  This is really not that simple.  Where is the redemption? I sit in the breaking of the tablets? Is it in the prayer of Moshe, threatening that Gd ( and Moshe) will look  bad if the Children of Israel are destroyed in the wilderness?  Is it in the regret of the people and the removal of their jewels?  I guess it is all of these  and probably more.

The Megilla tells a story of rather clear redemption but the error is less clear.  Certainly, assimilation percolates through the Magillah.  If the Jews were not assimilated, how could Esther pass for a non-descript Shushanite?  Is assimilation  the error?  It is a necessary part of the salvation.


עגל מסכה  Eigel masechah: molten calf


I try to imagine a molten idol. An idol that is malleable, that changes with the times and the needs of the community.

I also see the word sachah, covered in in  masechah.  This idol covers and hides the issue, as opposed to the kaporeth on the ark ( with its Cherubim!)  which also cover but brings expiation, forgiveness.

One can also find the sukah eigul, the ( invalid) round sukah in there, meaning.... unclear.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Tezaveh: the mystery

Tezaveh: the mystery


The Ramban points out the distinction between Terumah, the (voluntary) elevation offering and Tezaveh, the compulsory tax for the maintenance of the service.  The people are commanded to provide a material that they cannot produce in the wilderness: pure olive oil. it is a little reminiscent of building bricks without straw.


Then there is the instillation of the Kohen gadol.  He must be dressed, he must smell ( the annointing oil)  and he must eat  (the karban) like the high Priest.

The High Priest is the symbolic, magical leader of the people.  he wears the Choshen Mishpat. Mishpat is a rule that is comprehensible, but the Choshen conveys communications from Gd in code.  Mysterious, incomprehensible.  This is Gd's justice.  


Fascism, in the common sense, means little more than  a government predicated on the specialness of its people, its nation. Any theocracy is fascist.  I know that the primary origin of fascism is not from the medial word fascia, but the connection is interesting:

  1. A sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue enveloping, separating, or binding together muscles, organs, and other soft structures of the body.

  2. A broad and distinct band of color.