Thursday, March 05, 2009

Tezaveh: the mystery

Tezaveh: the mystery


The Ramban points out the distinction between Terumah, the (voluntary) elevation offering and Tezaveh, the compulsory tax for the maintenance of the service.  The people are commanded to provide a material that they cannot produce in the wilderness: pure olive oil. it is a little reminiscent of building bricks without straw.


Then there is the instillation of the Kohen gadol.  He must be dressed, he must smell ( the annointing oil)  and he must eat  (the karban) like the high Priest.

The High Priest is the symbolic, magical leader of the people.  he wears the Choshen Mishpat. Mishpat is a rule that is comprehensible, but the Choshen conveys communications from Gd in code.  Mysterious, incomprehensible.  This is Gd's justice.  


Fascism, in the common sense, means little more than  a government predicated on the specialness of its people, its nation. Any theocracy is fascist.  I know that the primary origin of fascism is not from the medial word fascia, but the connection is interesting:

  1. A sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue enveloping, separating, or binding together muscles, organs, and other soft structures of the body.

  2. A broad and distinct band of color.


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