Friday, March 20, 2009

Vayakhl Pikudei: repitition

Vayakhl Pikudei: repetition



The last 2 parshioth of shemoth are notable for their repetitiveness.  The description of the construction of the Mishkan is repeated in the context of its actual construction and  an accounting of the materials.  The repetition emphasizes the exactitude of the replication of the instructions, the precision with which the plans became  reality ( very German?).


Our experience of the Mishkan is the memory of the second temple ( the third iteration) that was a shadow of the original instructions... (And then there is the description of Ezekiel, yet another modification, instructions for the next Temple.)


Following Gd's instructions with precision is held to be a great quality and exemplified by Moshe.  This is the essence of the Chok.  It is comforting that Betzalel deviates from the instructions, injecting his own human logic in the order of the construction. 


It is noteworthy  that during the final assembly of the Mishkan, the concept of Masecha reappears, perhaps an incorporation of the Eigal Masecha.


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