Sunday, December 21, 2008

Miketz: Fritz Haber

Miketz: Fritz Haber


Joseph's interpretation of Pharaoh's dream leads to a massive grain storage project.  There may be an element of self fulfillment in this prophecy.  The constant working of, presumably, all the land ( leaving none fallow, not even in the seventh year) may have led to the lands depletion and the consequent poor yield, resulting in the ensuing famine.  Thus, there is a connection between the  Joseph story and the tradition of the Sabbatical year, possibly instituted to prevent such crises.  Note also the relationship between the word for seven (sheva) and that for satiety ( sova), an ambiguity that is highlighted in Onkelos. 


Amassing the grain was not the only problem.  Preserving it  from decay, insects, rodents and other animals was also a major problem.  The science that the Egyptians are most noted for is embalming -a process that preserves the dead organic matter from decay.  The embalming process deals with many of the same problems as preserving grain.  Thus, presumably Joseph used Egyptian science for the great grain project.


IN moder time, the problem of the depletion of the land was solved by Fritz Haber.  His Haber process ( a method to chemically attach nitrogen to hydrogen) led to the production of synthetic fertilizers, allowing the land to worked continually and not left fallow.  His laboratory also produced Zyklon B. 

from Wikepedia article on Fritz Haber: During the 1920s, scientists working at his institute developed the cyanide gas formulation Zyklon B, which was used as an insecticide, especially as a fumigant in grain stores, and also later, after he left the program, in the Nazi extermination camps.[4] 


Was Fritz Haber the anti-Joseph?


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