Noach: Nations and Dominion
Noach: Nations and Dominion
A synopsis of Noach:
- People ( and animals) are bad ( chamath, some kind of greed?)
- Gd brings a flood to wipe away the evil and saves the worthy Noach and his family
- perhaps the saved animals are the bestial equivalents of Noach and his family
- Gd makes a covenant with Noach's descendants
- clearly forbidding the killing of people and
- allowing the slaughter of animals
- possibly clarifying the error of Cain
- no mention of Cahmath and, thus no clarification of the issue
- unless the sum of the covenant is a restriction of Chamath
- Noach returns to agriculture
- His father had predicted that he would make agriculture better at his naming
- Noach plants a vineyard and gets drunk
- another example ( like the Tree of Knowledge) of drugs leading to problems through loosening of restraints
- N.B. the undoing of the tree of Knowledge ( he gets naked)
- Noach blesses and curses his sons setting one as dominant and one as servant
- I would have thought that this relationship is chamath, but I guess not from the story
- The Birth of the 70 nations
- spiced by the domination of Nimrod
- grandson of Ham
- the servant
- founder of Bavel
- The tower of Bavel (may also be a story of domination; great view; Big Brother: Goebels)
- another time
- The genealogy of Abraham
- people having children at an ever younger age until...Terach
- who is also in his way to Canaan!
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