Friday, September 12, 2008

Ki Thetze: Moving Boundaries





When you go out…( to war).  Going out means that the normal boundaries are breached.  You have gone out.  How are the boundaries redefined?  How do the boundaries move with you?
The fences are named.  The parapet.  The hung criminal cannot be left overnight; 
  Even the captured wife… you may not sell her, she is booty but not chattel.

Boundaries are challenged.  The captured wife, the wayward son, the leverite marriage, Amalek 





The chiasm of the parsha, the end that relates to the beginning:
1. when you go out to war- remember Amalek ( and war against them)

2. When you bring home a woman- the leverite marriage ( yibum)

 The going out, the breaching of the boundary, does not remove all boundaries, does not exile the transgressor, it generates a new set of boundaries! 

Now that's Torahs!


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