Vzoth HaBracha: disappointment
Vzoth HaBracha: disappointment
The parsha contains blessings for the tribes of Israel ( sans Shimon ) and the death of Moshe.
It also ends with the a statement about the greatness of Moshe. No other navi will rise to the level of Moshe. .
The blessings must be disappointing. They can never be great enough. Reminds me of Esau.
The death of Moshe is disappointing. Couldn't Gd forgive the small trespass that we have trouble understanding? If Gd could not forgive Moshe, how can we hope for forgiveness?
sans Shimon: the Ramban says that the fundamental reason for skipping Shimon is that there can only be 12 blessings, so because the tribe of Joseph is split in 2, someone ( Shimon) must be left out.
Was Shimon the leader of the tormentors of Joseph? he is the oldest that was not involved in some kind of rescue plan.
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