Thursday, November 06, 2008

Lech Lecha: Sarah's story

Lech Lecha: Sarah's story

lech: for Sara; Lecha for Avram 


The story is hidden.  Why does Avram stay with Sara? She is incapable of having a child ( end of Noach)  and having a child is a very important thing for Avram. He won't even be with another woman until Sara invites it.  This is not the male dominant society that I would have imagined prevailed in the Middle East  4000 yeras ago!

This loyalty to Sara must be in the essence of Avram's righteousness. Otherwise, it is inexplicable. 

Ultimately, even after Avram has Yishmael, he is promised a son by Sarah.  She must have had some powerful genes and/or child rearing skills.

One can also propose that the Brith Milah was for Sara's sake, moreso than for Avraham's

And when Avraham is told that Sarah will bear a son he  וַיִּצְחָק (laughed?). [ This is the same activity that informed Avimelech that Yitzchok was married to Rivkah. ] Thus, Sarah became pregnant. 




there  is a minor re-enactment of the stories that have occurred up to this time, a kind of passacaglia. 

  1. the instructions that are to be followed ( Lech Lecha)

  2. exile form the homeland ( Eden)

  3. battle over cattle ( Cain and Abel)

  4. world war ( the tower of Babel)

  5. the insistance that the associate come from one's own flesh ( Eve)

  6. the anesthesia experience [tardema] ( Eve)




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