Thursday, December 18, 2008

Vayeshev: Gd's plan

In Vayshev, the human characters are pawns in Gd's grand plan. Nothing can stop Joseph from getting to his brothers. He is lost in the fields - an Ish ( man, angel) directs him. His father sends him despite knowing that his brothers hate him - and that the hatred of a brother can be murderous ( Eisav) Imagine the guilt that comfounded Yaakov's mourning for Yoseph! When Jacob tries to protect his family from destruction by Esau, the most protected of all, behind everyone else, is Joseph

This is the unfolding of the interaction between between Jacob and Esau in the previous generation. Each brother feared the dominance of the other. Here, Joseph is designated the favorite by his father by the gift of the coat; and then proceeds to declare his destiny to be king through his dreams. The reaction that Jacob feared from Esau happens to Joseph; his brothers want to kill Joseph so that he will not rule over them. Yet Yaakov sends Joseph into the mouth if the lion ( Judah) ( poom aryivatha).

Gd's plan does not let the brothers kill Yoseph. The plan to kill him is deflected and Yoseph is sold to his Ismaelite/ Midianite cousins. This establishes the sons of Israel as people who sell their kin! A people from whom slaves can be obtained.( cf Africa in the 17th century). Does the slave mentality begin with Avraham when Gd tells him that his descendants will be slaves?
The remaining brothers sell Joseph to Ishmaelites, the decedents of the cast off son ( Call me Ishmael). The chosen son is relegated to the role of the outcast, just as Abraham had expelled his first born. Joseph is then resold to the decedents of Abraham's concubine ( Midianites and Midanites). Abraham re-enacts Noach: one descendent is the slave to another.

Gd makes no mistakes; a mistake is often an act of Gd.



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