Friday, February 19, 2016

Tetzaveh: dream clothing

Tetzaveh: dream clothing

Clothes are always symbolic Look at Lady Gaga. .People commonly express their individuality and their group allegiance in clothing. Seahawk jerseys, leather jackets, bike shorts.. all convey tribal identities, 
 Jeans and a tee shirt signify indifference, but in a standardized and intelligible  way. The tuxedo conveys class superiority, the kaputeh sends a complex  message of holocaust survival and ostentatious piety. What did the priestly garb covey?

The vestments of the high priest revolve around  unique objects: the Ephod and the Choshen.  Each of these carry the names of the 12 tribes.  The Cohen is clad as a representative of Israel. His body becomes a conveyance for the united tribes.  Each tribe is a precious stone on the Choshen and part of a precious stone on the ephod. They are separate and unified, conveyed before Gd by a single holy person

When the annointing oil was unavaiable, in the second temple. the High Priest was inaugurated into his office by  dressing in the holy garments. This fashion statement not only impressed those who saw, it encouraged and elevated the man who wore it

 These clothes were the stuff of Alexander the Great's dream.  

Baraita in Yoma, 69a (identical with Megillat Ta'anit, iii.):
"When the Samaritans had obtained permission from Alexander to destroy the Temple in Jerusalem, the high priest Simon the Just, arrayed in his pontifical garments and followed by a number of distinguished Jews, went out to meet the conqueror, and joined him at Antipatris, on the northern frontier. At sight of Simon, Alexander fell prostrate at his feet, and explained to his astonished companions that the image of the Jewish high priest was always with him in battle, fighting for him and leading him to victory. Simon took the opportunity to justify the attitude of his countrymen, declaring that, far from being rebels, they offered prayers in the Temple for the welfare of the king and his dominions. So impressed was Alexander that he delivered up all the Samaritans in his train into the hands of the Jews,
Clothes contain an element of the dream  They attempt to provoke the dream of the viewer and, thus, betray the intention of the wearer.  The self awareness of Adam and Eve necessitated clothing, Joseph coat of many colors came from dreams shared with his father Jacob, and the envy it generated was intentional.  The sartorial splendor of the High priest embodies the dream of a unified, glorious, pure and holy people..


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