Thursday, December 31, 2015

Shemoth: authority

Shemoth: authority

Early in the parsha, Pharaoh launches two plots.  The first: enslave the Hebrews,  There seems to be no dissent from this decree. There is not even a mention of Hebrew resistance. Quite surprising. Everyone  just fell in line. 
The second plot is  the Hebrew newborn androcide. killing the Israelite boys.  This would seem to be a much simpler edict to accomplish.  The Hebrews had a pair of midwives that serviced them.  If the midwives obeyed the King's command, the law would be carried out.  But these midwives feared the Gd,  They felt  that there was a higher authority, above the Pharoah.  They did not carry out the order. . 

The androcidal law devolved upon each individual to cast the male children into the river.  Yocheved did as instructed by Pharoah.  She simply supplemented the order by providing her baby with a boat. Moshe was  rescued and  formed through the kindness of strangers. 

In his exile, Moshe shows curiosity about the natural world.  The non destructive fire catches his attention and he meets the Gd that is the master of nature.  The Gd that has tolerated the subjugation of Israel long enough and will now begin the process of their liberation: with a show of power. 

Pharaoh does not recognize the authority of this Gd.  He increases the burden:: The workers must now make bricks without  raw materials( straw). Now there is some protest against Pharoah...which he ignores.  But no Hebrew rebellion.  Rather the Hebrew elders complain about Moshe and Aaron , characterizing them as trouble makers ( the forerunners of union organizers?) 

People don't question changes in the familiar power structure.   They Just follow orders. 
Questioning authority is an early step in righteousness. . 


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