Thursday, February 11, 2016

Terumah: theory and actualization

Terumah: theory and actualization

In most living  cells on Earth, DNA  is maintained as a permanent instruction set.  The sequence of the amino acids that make proteins is expressed  in a code consisting of 4 possible letters taken 3 at a time ( 64 possibilities).  The sequence of amino acids, interacting with intracellular structures, determines the final geometry/chemistry mix of the protein  that, in turn, defines its capabilities  which is perceived as its function.  It is the end product that functions... to preserve and proliferate the DNA that coded  it. 

The instructions for the Mishkan  were kept in the ark, housed in the inner sanctum of the Holy of Holies, in the mishkan.  The original text was protected in the gold plated acacia wood coffin, covered by a slab of gold with the images of Cherubim.  The original Cherubim ( Genesis 3: ) blocked the road back to Eden and the Tree of Life.  These Cherubim of the ark  stand guard over ( and block the way to?)  the DNA of the Hebrews, the Torah and the tablets. 

What do people  cover? What do they keep private? It is our essence, our nakedness,  that must remain covered and private.  The Cherubim of Breshith  block the road back  to essence and  innocence

The mishkan creates a place, a portable place,  a place where you cannot go.We all know what is there, but approach is forbidden. We cannot know the heart, we can only know the deeds it motivates and creates. 


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