Thursday, January 14, 2016

Bo: negotiation

Bo: negotiation

How could it be? For the sake of the cattle, all of the firstborn of Egypt die.  Pharaoh allowed everyone to leave, he merely wanted to keep the cattle, presumably as hostage, so that the Israelites  would return, like when they buried Jacob .  But Moshe insisted.  The Israelites were going to give an offering.  They had never done this before, they did not know what they would Moshe insisted they bring all the Pharoah threw him out. Hence the plague of death of  the  firstborn... for the sake of  cattle

The firstborn cattle become consecrated as a result,  This became a problem in the shtetl.  When a cow or a goat or a ewe gave birth to a fistling,  it was necessary to involve a Gentile partner, to exempt the animal from its sanctity, so that the animal could be used.

And then, when the Jews left their thousand year lands of sojourn: in Europe and North Africa and  the Middle East, they left their animals and their chattel and all their wealth behind, to escape the plague of death wrought by men.

The Israelites ran from Pharaoh in  Egypt.  They did not have time to let the bread rise  But first, they "borrowed" gold and silver and valuables.  When the Jews were herded into Treblinka, the valuables were piled up and sometimes they would sew a cookie into their coat..


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