Friday, December 28, 2012

Vayechi: Jacob vs Joseph

There is a major problem in the parsha. Who has the power? Who is feeding everyone? Who is the richest person in the world? Joseph. 

Who is giving the blessings? Jacob.

What does Jacob own? Maybe his burial plot, maybe Shechem,a place of bad luck that he is afraid to return to, but Jacob offers a set of promises for a distant future, a pie in the sky, Zionism?

The parsha is called "And he lived".  The move to Egypt allowed life to continue despite the famine.  Exile allowed the Israelites to make a living.  But Jacob presented them with their dreams, a future in which each person's destiny would be fulfilled, some deeper meaning of life would be realized. 

Meanwhile, the brothers have pledged themselves to be slaves to Joseph ( and thus Pharoah) ... twice.   When Joseph's chalice is found in Benjamin's sack, the brothers offer their servitude.  Again, when they beg Joseph for forgiveness (pretending that Jacob had instructed them to entreat Joseph) they offer themselves as slaves.  Is this the slaving contract?  Jacob was right, one brother would enslave the  other(s), but it was not (yet) Esau, it was Joseph carrying out His dream


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