Yithro: I
I came upon a psycho-literary exercise. Suppose that for any word, there is really only one true instance. This is like the Platonic Forms. For example, take the first word of the ten commandments: I ( Anochi). The only I that anyone is actually familiar with is the self. That creates a sense in which the ten commandments are statements about the self.
Every individual must liberate herself from the issues that oppress him.
There is only one self, you cannot dissociate an evil self and a good self.
No other beside …: I cannot blame others for my behavior
Keep the Sabbath: Do not think that you can work 7 days a week.
Honor your parents: remember where you came from
The essence of Yithro is that one person cannot exceed his abilities. Moshe needs to construct an administrative structure. It is only the outsider, Yithro, who can tell him that.
I and thou?
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