Friday, December 30, 2011

Vayigash: avoidance

Every approach has within it an avoidance. Otherwise, there would be no approach, only and arrival. Approach implies some kind of fear, awe.

There are several approaches in Vayigash. Judah approaches Joseph. He is afraid of the viceroy of the world’s greatest power, the source of the food the sustains the world. He is afraid of what he is going to offer- himself- in exchange for the release of his half brother Benjamin.

When Israel and his clan move to Egypt, to a place called Goshen (similar to Vavigash, approach), they do so out of fear of starvation or impoverishment and they are probably upset about leaving the Promised Land. Gd needs to reassure Jacob that the move is OK.

The whole world comes to Joseph with trepidation. All the money is spent, the livestock has been sold, the people sell themselves and their land to Pharoah. They are scared of what they need and they are scared of what they are offering.

This is courtship.


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