Sunday, October 02, 2011

Hazinu: listening

Sound, the stuff of listening. is the vibration of air molecules Breath (ruach) pushes the particles of the gas mixture that we live in ( the atm#osphere) in special ways, aided by the musical instruments that are Incorporated into the head and neck - the vocal folds, tongue, lips, nose.
The vibrations, the sounds, continue until their energy is dissipated by meaningless collisions with other particles. These collisions impart energy, movement, change of position to the new molecules. The sound does not die. It creates unforeseen and usually unrecognized changes.
When a person understands speech, the process is similar. The consequence includes unforeseen and unrecognized changes. Perhaps the prophet is the one who can foresee the changes

Hasinu asks me to ask my father. I can’t. He’s dead. I can, he is in me. I have his DNA codes, He spoke to me. He spoke to others in my presence. I absorbed the kinetic energy of his ruach. Maybe “ask your father” simply means to bring that absorbed energy to awareness and maybe action. But I must be very careful not to overinterpret signals that are degraded even before they are released.

Even the heavens are moved by speech.


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