Friday, July 15, 2011

Pinchas: heritage

Pinchas starts with the reward for defending Gd’s honor. The eternal bestows a blessing of priesthood that is passed down through generations.
The daughters of Zelophchad successfully protest their exclusion from the [commonly] heritable entity - the land. They are granted a reward for defending their own honor.
The parsha ends with celebratory days. These days are a reward for our continued engagement with our Gd and our people.

The parsha also tells of the impending death of Moshe. His single failing to honor Gd and self, at the water-rock, costs him a heritage. Nor is the next leader his descendant.

I just finished Songs of Experience [Blake]. The penultimate poem is To Tirzah. Tirzah is one of the daughters of Zelophchad. [editied]


Whate’er is born of mortal birth
Must be consumed with the earth,
To rise from generation free:
Then what have I to do with thee?
The sexes sprung from shame and pride,
Blowed in the morn, in evening died;
But mercy changed death into sleep;
The sexes rose to work and weep.
Thou, mother of my mortal part,
With cruelty didst mould my heart,
And with false self-deceiving tears
Didst blind my nostrils, eyes, and ears,
Didst close my tongue in senseless clay,
And me to mortal life betray.

prior years


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