Balak: Omens
Bilam, prophet for hire, has already been informed that Balak’s mission to curse Israel does not meet with Gd’s approval. But after appealing a second time, he receives limited permission to travel. The journey is obstructed by an angel. To Bilam, it appears that his beast has become obstinate and rebellious because Bilam does not see the true nature of the danger. The work of the angel is revealed only to the [initially] mute beast. But Bilam [should] know[s] that the beast is heeding another master, the master that was reluctant to allow Bilam to make this trip.
Thus, that which appears to the person as an omen may be a true obstruction that should be heeded. Unless one is careful with the “thus” this can be bad advice. Overcoming obstacles is usually a part of any achievement. “Thus” means that omen should awaken a re-examination of the task, not necessarily a rejection.
Today’s , July 8, 2011, New York Times has a story about the medical use of omens: How Bright Promise in Cancer Testing Fell Apart By GINA KOLATA. The article describes the [mis]use of gene expression arrays, complex “fingerprints” of cancer cells, to try to determine the best therapy for patients with cancer. The story is one of fraud and greed and luddism. Really, it is about the modern [ab]use of omens. These cancer fingerprints are omens, predicting the future of the patient, abused by modern prophets for hire. .
Thus, when Bilam goes to do his dirty work, he always EXits from the PERIMeter of Balak to ENTer a place of revelation.
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