Friday, October 07, 2011

Zoth Habracha: The Man of the Gd

The last parsha of the Torah is Moshe’s blessing to the Bnei Yisroel and a description of Moshe’s death. It is a reminder (during the 10 days of penitence) that everyone dies and life hangs in continuous delicate balance. Even Steven Jobs ( who bought a liver transplant) had to die (young). Like Moshe, Steven Jobs was a powerful man, and Ish HaElokim.

This title, Ish HaE... can also be interpreted as a man of the Gd. The CEO of the earth subsidiary of the Host. The definite article implies the unity (a critical element) of the Gd. The necessity for mentioning the definite article reveals a sense of novelty with the concept. We usually do not feel that the definite article is needed when referring to the Greatest (set of) Power(s) in the Universe. We skip that first name because the concept is familiar. Calling Moshe Ish HaE.. reminds us that Moshe had to figure out what this Gd is.. That may be a good model for us as we enter Yom Kippur.

Our scientific based worldview describes events as a consequence of probabilities. It is a MonteCarlo# World. Einstein said the Gd does not throw dice. Am I praying to the Gd that loads the dice, that knows how to win, and helps me win at craps?

Consider the name of another powerful man. El, in Hebrew, means power. In Latin the word is vis.

May the force be with you.

Gemar Chathima Tova.


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