Friday, January 13, 2012

Shemoth: what is in a name

The parsha, the chumash convey the significance of a name.

The twelve tribes are named. Their descendants remember their names and recognize their origin is different from the Egyptians who employ them. That difference is perceived as a threat by the Egyptian king and leads to the persecution of the Israelites

Then we have two stories of rescue. Shifra and Puah (possibly) Egyptian midwives, refuse to participate in the state-ordered murder of Israelite boys. Pharaoh’s daughter also refuses to participate in the genocide. She names her foster child Moshe...rescue.

Moshe meets Gd ( J). But he always calls Gd Ado... Some names are just too powerful. Presumably, this is the source of our traditional pronunciation of the name of Gd.

Then there is the introduction of Gd to Pharaoh. Pharaoh makes of point of saying that he never heard of J. This name has no power with Pharaoh.

Finally, Moshe (Mr. Rescue) complains that since he has spoken in the name of Gd, nothing but trouble has come upon the people he was sent to rescue.

Have you ever met a technically inept Sheldon? [this is a non-sequitor]

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