Friday, February 03, 2012

Beshalach: testing the waters

The gemarrah (eruchin 15a-b) Lists the 10 times Israel tested Gd. Seven are in Beshalach ( the remaining 3 are the slav, the golden calf and the spies) The gemarrah is dealing abuse of speech, in this case ...complaining. (about the lack of food and water, etc)

At the same time, this parsha contains the Az Yashir, the song of the sea. A song of praise for the victory over the most advanced army in the world, through (trickery and ) miracles, at the hand of Gd who fought for his nation. The song is incorporated in the daily liturgy. It conveys confidence in redemption against all odds, It hardens the hearts of its singers.

Gd and the Israelites are feeling their way through their relationship. Gd and Moses seem to need a reminder that people need to eat and drink. In the end Gd rises to the occassion, as recalled in the Az Yashir; and Israel has the confidence to protect the throne ( as long as the hands of Moses are raised).


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