Friday, June 10, 2011

Bihalothicha: governance

The title word of the parsha describes the condition of ascent when the Kohen Gadol lit the Menorah [the illuminator]; and it describes the ascent of the cloud of glory that directed the travels of Bnei Yisroel. The cloud of glory is established as the People’s guide after Hobab [Jethro?] rejects that role.

The parsha includes the redistribution of prophetic power to the 70 elders, Eldad and Maydad; and Joshua’s severe reaction to the prophecy of Eldad and Maydad.

When the prophetic power is distributed from Moshe to the 72 elders, the text says: וְלֹא יָסָפוּ, vilo yosofu. This is translated by Onkelos as vilah poskin - they did not stop; and it is translated by Rashi [per Sifri] that they did not prophecy further. I would like to think that lo yosofu means that they did not add their personal opinions, they did not gather consensus or ambient culture to their prophecy. Note that their prophecy comes as a result of Moshe’s doubts about Gd’s ability to provide sufficient meat, a moment when Moshe added,gathered or injected his own opinion.

The parsha ends with prophets, Miriam and Aaron, asserting their own prophetic powers and accusing Moshe of sexual misconduct [ the first governmental sex scandal?]. This is followed by a statement and demonstration of Moshe’s powers.

It is hard to find the balance between democracy and flawed leadership. We follow a flickering flame, a cloud, an insubstantial image with and inconstant shape.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Naso: gravity

The word by which we call this Parsah, Naso, is translated by Onkelos as kabel yoth chushban, take the count. Variations of this word are used throughout the parsha:
4: 24 - masah: burdens
4:45: vinasiu: they will carry
6: 26 yisah: lift up
7:2: Nisiei: the princes (those that are above the crowd?)
Most of the uses of this word are related to carrying, to defying gravity.

Gravity is the antithesis of ascent. The central letter of Naso, ש, pictorially defies gravity, the arms rise up, it is the ascent of the fire, aish, אש.
Gravity is the universal attractive force, it implies a predetermined destiny embedded in the physical world - everything will be united. Until that end, It is the force of Gd, in Yisah Hashem panav eilechah that defies the inevitable ( although in the end: viyasim lecha shalom- the unification of all [shalom] occurs and you are a part of it).

Stand up, be counted, defy the force that puts you down!