Lech Lecha: the mission
Lech Lecha: the mission
Avram is the model for those that accomplish great feats. The parasha relates how Avram overcomes a series of apparently insurmountable challenges to answer Gd's call.
Avram and Sarai leave their home and family. They come to a land of famine. The famine is so severe that they must go to Egypt where husbands are killed so that their wives can be trafficked. Sarah is indeed taken for the Pharaoh himself. After Avram has demeaned himself and relied on Sarah's courage, Gd intervenes and smites the royal house with a plague that, somehow, reveals the true relationship between Avram and Sarai: husband and wife. The Pharaoh compensates Avram and his nephew, Lot, with riches and expels them from Egypt. Presumably the riches allow them to survive the lack of food in Canaan (perhaps the famine got better).
Avram and Lot come into conflict because of their wealth, and Lot moves to the Sodom valley. The kingdoms to the East war with Sodom and its allies and take Lot captive. Avram joins the battle to rescue his nephew, and wins the day. He refuses any profit from this victory.
Gd promises Avran an heir. Sarai gives Avran her maidservant so that an heir may be born. Sarai is not happy with the social consequences of the resulting pregnancy. She drives Hagar off. Hagar sees an angel and is convinced to return. Ishmael is born.
Avram is instructed in circumcision, and proceeds to perform this unusual act on himself an all the male members of his household.
The first blessing of the amidah, the daily devotional prayer, ends: מֶֽלֶךְ עוֹזֵר וּמוֹשִֽׁיעַ וּמָגֵן: בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה... מָגֵן אַבְרָהָם: King, Helper, and Deliverer and Shield.. Blessed are You, ... Shield of Abraham..
I have come to wonder: If Gd is the Deliverer, why do I need a Helper? Why do I need the struggle when I should be confident that I will be rescued? I can understand the need for a shield after the salvation, but I don't need assistance in the struggle... just (miraculously) save me!
Of course that is not the way world works. As ("Aunt") Chana, ILGWU ( the International Ladies Garment Workers [a very left leaning {communist}union] member and Freiheit ( The Communist Yiddish Newspaper) reader said: "You will find everything in the struggle."
Avram is Divinely instructed. He is given a mission. We see how he deals with the mission. Gd sent Avram to a famished land. He must leave. Egypt, the land of plenty is a plutocracy, where the wealthy legislate to their benefit; where women are at the disposal of the wealthiest. Avram and Sarai are confronted with this system and try to survive it. This involves a terrible compromise. It is done as the practical human solution. The Divine intervenes ( with the revelatory plague) only after the human decisions are made. And the mission goes forward.
Canaan is a battleground. Avram decides to risk everything to rescue Lot. Gd did not instruct it and heaven's hand in the victory is not apparent. Avram must make a difficult decision.
Gd promises Avram an heir. Sarai takes action and gives Hagar to Avram. Hagar does not accept the role of surrogate; she mothers Ishmael. Avram recognizes that Ishmael is unsuitable. Gd instructs Avram in circumcision and leaves Avram with a promise... that he laughs at.
Avram's mission was to be Abraham. He was to be the model for those who remain dedicated to the goal and overcome formidable, almost impossible, obstacles to achieve the goal. He is the prototype of a life of achievement and the achievement of a model life. Avram found everything in the struggle.
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