Friday, October 09, 2020


Today is Hoshana Raba: the great Hoshana. What is a Hoshana?

The root of the word means rescue, salvation.  There are seven " basic" verses. On each day of the Suckoth festival, one verse is selected (the order follows one of several traditions) and men march around the synagogue, making sure to pass between the ark containing the Torah the central table, carrying the 4 species ( date palm, the  fragrant  myrtle [whose other name is laurel], the  thirsty, fecund willow [whose name contains that quality so important for success],  and the fragrant, comely citron.  The congregation demonstrates the dependence on the natural forces that produce trees and fruit.

On the day of the Grand Hoshanna, all seven parade songs are recited. These lyrics are 2-5 words, in alphabetical  order , always covering the entire Hebrew alphabet,;  and after every phrase the chorus of Hoasheah Na - please save! 

In the Koren sidur( prayer book) the Hoshanas are not translated.   They are too mystical.  For the mystic, they are betrayed by translatiion, too much of their power and significance is tied to their sound and the shapes of the letters, and the positionsof the tongue and lips when they are uttered.  To the strict rationalist, these are archives to be explored with a taste for such things - just do it and get through it.

For me, Hoshanoth are an exploration of the meaning of prayer.  The first Hoshana recalls that there is an agreement between Gd and Israel and that the Divine party to this agreement has magnificent and wondrous qualities.  This is prayer as reminder  to the granter of good, not failing to mention how great that entity is. ( or can be) 

The second Hoshana is an alphabet of synonyms for the (destroyed) Temple in Jerusalem.  It is an excuse for the inadequacy of the supplication.  It is also a statement that the debt incurred by transgression has been ( partially) paid. 

The third Hoshana emphasizes how severely the Jews have been persecuted.  Those travails are considered Divine punishment.  There is a sense that the punishment was excessive - thus Heaven has incurred a debt to us which should be repaid with beneficences. 

The fourth praises the saving graces that Gd manifests. It emphasizes the capabilities and qualities of the Omnipresent, encouraging the sought salvation

The fifth Hoshana deals with the frailty of the natural world.  Living human and beast, the trees and vegetation are all interdependant and ultimatly dependant on the Dicine forces manifest as rain and sun. 

The sixth Hoshana list plagues to be avoided.  It is a recognition that the most likely outcome of the forces  of nature proceeding unchecked  is famine and disaster.  The implication is an entreaty to avoid that. 

The seventh Hoshana is a recollection of the dedication of our forbearers and their willing to serve Gd in every way, even to death.  It evolves into an exploration of fire ( the antithesis of the rain that we pray for) 

Gd Help Us. Hosheah Na


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