Friday, April 24, 2015

Thazria - Metzora: tragedy

 Thazria - Metzora: tragedy

It begins with the wait.  Seven days to evaluate the disease.  Did it spread? Did it fade?  The worst is if it stayed the same, leading to another 7 days of doubt.  There are many similarities between the tzoraath process and the cancer process.

The parsha gives technical details: observations, wait times, criteria for diagnosis.  Behind theses details there are fears and tears. A diagnosis that ruins the life of the victim.  A diagnosis that isolates, impoverishes, blames and kills.

The cause  is not clear, but it may have had something to do with the behavior of the victim: eating wrong, smoking, tale bearing.   Maybe there is an element of contagion...not clear.The murkiness is part of the torture.

Loss of hair is part of the purification ritual.  In the old days, it was done by shaving.   Now we have chemotherapy.

Every cure is a miracle, celebrated with birds and feasts.

May we all be spared. 


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