Friday, April 03, 2015

Peach supplement: lachma Anya

The magid section of the Haggadah begins  with Ha lachma Anya diachlu avhathanu biarah dimitzrayim.  The Maxwellhouse translation: This is the bread of affliction that our ancestors ate in the land of Egypt.  The implication is that  our ancestors ate this simple, bland , inferior bread.

The instructions are to point to the Matzoh when reciting these words. Matzoh is mentioned in two contexts with respect to the  exodus from Egypt.  The Israelites were instructed to eat Matzoh with the pesach lamb, and at the time of the exodus itself, the hurried aspect of that event is emphasized by the lack of time the fugitives had, not even enough time to let the bread rise. This second point implies that the ancestors did eat leavened bread ( at least at some point) in Egypt. 

I think that this matzoh is not a symbol of hardship, but a symbol of a obedience. Following the instructions for the  pesach ritual brought the salvation. In that context the Anya is not affliction, it is the answering of prayer, as in aneynu.  

The matzoh is the zoth of the wicked, simple and silent children. 

When the Jews were afflicted, they did not have matzoh. 


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