Vayakeil_ Pikudei: talent and accomplishment
The assembly of the Miskan required materials, talent, skill and enthusiasm. It is the great construction and contrasts with all the other constructions and projects: the tower of Babel, Noah's ark, the store cities of Pithom and Ramses, the golden calf.
The mishkan is a triumph of talent, skill, and organization. The Torah tells us that all who were skilled, chacham lev, took part. Bezalel and Ohaliav are singled out. Bezalel is filled with the spirit of the Almighty ( Ruach E) . This Ruach E first appeared in the third verse of Genesis, when it hovered over the primordial waters. It preceded the call for light, That seems like quite a creative force that filled Bezalel.
This spirit evoked chochma (skill) thevuna ( artistry) daath ( knowledge) machshava ( creativity) lihoroth (communication skills) - all of the engineering talents
The first human construction is the fig leaf clothing, produced in reaction to the effects of the Eitz Hadaath ( tree of knowledge). This was a product of such poor quality, Gd replaced them with leather garments, as a gift. The sacred garments of the Priests contained no leather, although the covering of the Mishkan includes ram and Tachash hides.
The first human construction was an altar. The leads to the great altercation : Cain killed Hevel. The danger of the sacred
Then Cain builds a city for his son. Cities begin with the outcast
In the description of the tower of Babel, there is an emphasis on the building material: bricks. This is the beginning of the assembly line, interchangeable parts, plug and play. The Tower of Babel involved a process that demeaned. It was overmanaged.
The golden calf was an economic bubble. Everyone was running to invest in the new, new thing.
So what is this Mishkan, this resting place for the Shechina? A Gd camper?
Perhaps it is just a creation, a valid cooperation between Gd and humans, a manifestation of the Ruach E through human engineering. This is just what the Ruach does: it creates, it produces. Those who host it cannot do otherwise
The product lasts. The mishkan continues to exist ( on paper) and in the imagination.
The mishkan is a triumph of talent, skill, and organization. The Torah tells us that all who were skilled, chacham lev, took part. Bezalel and Ohaliav are singled out. Bezalel is filled with the spirit of the Almighty ( Ruach E) . This Ruach E first appeared in the third verse of Genesis, when it hovered over the primordial waters. It preceded the call for light, That seems like quite a creative force that filled Bezalel.
This spirit evoked chochma (skill) thevuna ( artistry) daath ( knowledge) machshava ( creativity) lihoroth (communication skills) - all of the engineering talents
The first human construction is the fig leaf clothing, produced in reaction to the effects of the Eitz Hadaath ( tree of knowledge). This was a product of such poor quality, Gd replaced them with leather garments, as a gift. The sacred garments of the Priests contained no leather, although the covering of the Mishkan includes ram and Tachash hides.
The first human construction was an altar. The leads to the great altercation : Cain killed Hevel. The danger of the sacred
Then Cain builds a city for his son. Cities begin with the outcast
In the description of the tower of Babel, there is an emphasis on the building material: bricks. This is the beginning of the assembly line, interchangeable parts, plug and play. The Tower of Babel involved a process that demeaned. It was overmanaged.
The golden calf was an economic bubble. Everyone was running to invest in the new, new thing.
So what is this Mishkan, this resting place for the Shechina? A Gd camper?
Perhaps it is just a creation, a valid cooperation between Gd and humans, a manifestation of the Ruach E through human engineering. This is just what the Ruach does: it creates, it produces. Those who host it cannot do otherwise
The product lasts. The mishkan continues to exist ( on paper) and in the imagination.
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