Thursday, January 22, 2015


An agreement was so close! But the plagues continued.  Locusts, darkness, death... 

At the beginning  of the parsha we are told that the purpose of these plagues was to  generate the story , the tradition.  And at the end of the parsha, the plague of the firstborn, with the associated   sanctification of the  Israelite firstborn,  and the prohibition  of leaven on the 7 days of Passover, is retold twice.  And it is suggested that this core story be placed in (opposite)  the heart and between the eyes. Thus we have two of the paragraphs in tfillin. A story enshrined

This is the core story.  Gd spared us. We celebrate the sanctity of the spared.  We could have been victims.  Our birth testifies to the sparing of our ancestors. In the parsha, we are spared relative to the Egyptians.  In the last generation, we were spared, in various ways, relative to our kindred - who called out another paragraph of the tfillin: Shema Yisroel when they were about to succumb.

How many lives  is the story worth?


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