Breshith: ends and beginnings
Here we are: at the beginning again.
What does it mean to begin. It means to replace the previous state. The new generation replaces the old.
That was how the Torah ended, with the death of the epitomy of humanity, Moshe Rabeinu. As his death grew near, he was insisting on our attention in thoss parshiot that include zayen( Haazinu and Zith Habrocha) that prodding, cutting letter.
Now we begin with a Beth, begin again, And the first word contains the last three letter of the alphabet, as well as the first two. The beginning anticipates the end. It can anticipate the end because it is beginning again. Shabath, the last two letters with the beth of creation sandwiched in between is a reminder of the wisdom of the roeh eth hanolad.
The cycle of creation and joy in creation followed by envy and murder, and finally Seth, the last two letters, the last hope