Friday, May 25, 2012

Bamidbar: NUMBers

Bamidbar: NUMBers

The parsha, and the book that is named after it is called Numbers in English.  Our scholars (z”l) called it Sefer pekudim- the book of the those who count.  We read the book at the end of our counting  of the omer.

Fo many people, arithmetic has a numbing quality, the mind blanks when the quantitative function is called forth. The first counting  in the Parsha, the deployment of the army of Israel,  may be intended to this.  It may be a display of the overwhelming force represented by this people, a psychological tactic to fend off attack. Veracity is optional.

The parsha has both cardinal ( 1,2,3...) and ordinal ( first second, third...) numbers.  Numbers and addresses are mixed together.  Is this the origin of addressable ( random access)  memory, the basis of electronic computing?  Only very distantly.

When the Saints come marching in; I want be in that number. 

last year 




Friday, May 18, 2012

Behar-Bechukothai: The invisible hand

Economics is fundamentally a human activity.  It is the sum of the things that people do to fulfill their needs and wants.
Yet, no one believes that human activity is the only driver.  One can work very hard and fail..  One can be a slacker and succeed ( although I believe this is unlikely).  There are other elements....luck, fate, Gd.

In these parshoith, Gd decrees a 7 year ( shmitha)  and a 50 year  (Yovel) business cycle. A statement of how man should interact with the  land, the environment, nature . Every 6 years of production is followed by a fallow year. Gd demands it, the land demands it.  The consequences of  greedy disobedience are desolation of the land and exile.

it is not clear whether Gd is explaining a fact of nature ( soil depletion) or declaring a punishment for rebellion against Gd’s rules. ( I am not even sure these are different ideas) But the consequences are outlined in gory detail ( consuming the flesh of your children).  This brings into focus the nature of consequences.  Are consequences Gd’s algorithm  for nature ?  Chok velo yaavor. (Psalm 148)?

Economic theorists try to identify rules that dictate the course of history: supply and demand; class struggle; populations outstripping resources.  Horses, chariots, cars,. oil, facebook... The only certainty is that history is not in our control.  It is ours to do what we should.

So says  the invisible hand from Mount Sinai.
Value it.




Friday, May 11, 2012

Emor: fold, spindle, mutilate

IN the 20th century, when communications other than advertisements came through the (snail)mail, many items were marked DO NOT FOLD, SPINDLE or MUTILATE. Do not ruin the contents.  The parsha deals with these concepts.

The mutilated make up the bulk of the parsha, the defects of the Kohen and the sacrificial animals are detailed.  This is followed by the holidays.  A non sequitur? Maybe not! The first holiday is Pesach. The name of the holiday means lame (pisaiach).  Gd limped over the homes of the surviving Israelites. The roof of the succah needs to be defective.  Defects are a necessary element of the holidays ( healing days?). This is the Gd of healing. This is the perfect Gd of living with imperfection. No healing is perfect.  Living  with scars and defects is the reality. .  

Spindle?  This refers to the blasphemer.  Two words are used to outline the penalties for blasphemy: mikalel and nekev. For the offence of cursing Gd ( mikalel), one incurs guilt, there is heavenly punishment.  But  punching a hole in the concept of Gd ( nekev), spindling the name of Gd, that is a capital offence.

Fold? That is a reference to the show-bread which was baked into a special folded pattern that would fit into the shelves of the shulchan.  Some say that the blasphemer defamed the showbread and was therefore stoned.  He spindled the folded and was mutilated.

Now its all email.

Friday, May 04, 2012

Acharei Moth-Kedoshim: erotica

Acharei Moth-Kedoshim: erotica

Juxtaposition is a stylistic element of these parshioth.  The death of Nadav and Avihu  precedes the instructions for the Yom Kippur sacrificial rite.  The  stated message  is that GD is not available for ritual -  for acts that please - at all times. The intrusion of Nadav and Avihu was a rape.  Gd is not a whore.

The instructions are filled with contrast.  The goat to Azazel is contrasted with the Chatoth offering at the altar to Gd. The scapegoat is so far out, nobody would ever think of it.  It is kinky.

Honoring parents is contrasted with keeping the Sabbath. So many in my generation lived this contrast. Outfrumming parents, making compromises when the parents  need them.

Do the right thing at the right time.  Enjoy!