Re’eh: the place that will be chosen
A significant theme in the parsha is “ the place that Gd will choose.” A strange future tense in an ancient story, and we (think we) know the conclusion....Jerusalem (Shilo, Nov, Givon [Utah])
It almost asks the 6-year-old’s question: “are we there yet?”
This chosen place is to be the location of all great Barbecues (once the people get there). There will be no more regional BaalBeques.
When our ancestors wondered through Europe or North Africa or the Ameicas,they knew that they were not in the chosen place.
The gemarrah in Chulin (60b) [ daf yomi] says :every one of the nations of the world went and built for itself a large city naming it after a mountain of the land of Israel, thus teaching you that even the mountains of the land of Israel are dear to the nations of the world.
The parsha begins with Mounts Grizim and Eyvel. But these are not the chosen place. Don’t marry the first girl/boy you meet.
Are we there yet?