Thursday, July 02, 2009

Cukath Balak: koof the monkey

Cukath Balak: koof the monkey

The three parshioth - Korach, Chukath and Balak all contain the letter  koof,  the letter that means monkey, something close to human but  without the wisdom.

I think that a subtext of these parshioth is defining the role of the human in a world ruled by Gd.
Korach represents trying to turn ordinary human achievement- wealth and power- into a meaningful legacy,  Korach is also about populism and the power of the people to ( fail to) alter history.

Chukath is about the subjugation of the most powerful, Gd's (former ) favorites, to  Gd's "will." Miriam and Aharon die.  Moshe is banished from the promised land because he did not do it right.

Subsequently, when nobody is doing it right, Moshe is made the hero again by resurecting the serpent as healer. He also assumes the role of courageuous leader against Sichon and Og.

In Balak, Bilaam recognizes he has no choice but to do the will of Gd, but he tries to twist his role ( like the monkey on a stick) but it will never go the way he wants it to go.   Bilaam becomes the unwilling instrument of Gd's blessing to Israel. 

In the end, Bilaam provides useful advice to the enemies of Israel sells - Israel will buy and pay for their purchase dearly. 


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