Friday, June 26, 2009

Korach: aydah and Daath

Korach: aydah and Daath

The Aydah (actually there are several aydoth) surrounding Korach have strong opinions ( Dayoth).  Some would even die for their opinions ( like those who ate the tree of daath). Some are saved by the incense ( rayach), most are saved by the prayers of Moshe and Aharon, who fall on their faces ( like the Nachash). 

Gd's recognition of one sibling's ascendancy over another is always  dangerous and sometimes lethal ( Kayin and Hevel).

Parshath Korach is like war and Peace.  It is about the quest for meaning in world where everyone is doomed and revolutionary new ideas abound.  The wealth of Korach [ the meidrash says that Korah was the richest person in the world {the Yiddish phrase for an extremely wealthy person is "reich vie Korach"}]means nothing if he does not impact history.  

 Korach and his congregation are holy and their firepans ( of death) become the condom for the altar.


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