Thursday, May 07, 2009

Emor: perfection

Emor: perfection

Intolerance of the imperfect, the flawed,  is a NAZI characteristic.  The holocaust started with an attempt to eliminate the

elements of society that ate but did not produce, the defectives, and it expanced to anyone that was different ( and could be robbed).  When the parsha  excludes the flawed from the Holy Service, there is some reminder of this approach.  The exclusion also comes in the context of a hereditary (racial) hierarchy - the Kohanim subset of the tribe of Levi, making it more creepy


The parsha ends with the story  of the boy who cursed GD, and on that basis, was stoned.  He was aliented from the people; his father was Egyptian, he was flawed.  He was not BONTCHE SCHWEIG ( who was always silent), he cursed GD.  Should he have been silent like the flawed victims?


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