Re'eh: Community
The Parsha deals with a central location for the people. This becomes Jerusalem. The idea seems to be that there be a unifying structure for the people of Israel and that it be distinct from the customs of the people who are dispossessed from the land.
There is a new description of the tithing process ( maaser sheni) and a new description of the Passover Sacrifice ( that now includes cattle). Is this the McCain Moshe contrasting with his Obama days (when he was only 82)?
Some interactions with the daf yomi:
The gemarrah (Gittin 47a) talks about not redeeming a man who had sold himself and his children to cannibals ( Luddai: N.B. the meeting place for the decisions re: which circumstances are to die for ( Sanhedrin 74a) was in Lud . the gemmarah says that they identified the man as an apostate ( mumar) because he ate Neviloth and treifoth.
Taking a vow is equivalent to building and unauthorized, non-central alter ( bamma). Keeping the vow is equated to bringing the burnt offering on it. ( gittin 46B)