Matos-Massei: Adjustments
What a nice word - adjust: ad toward, just correct. The law , especially this law from Sinai, is set in stone. On the plains of Moav, some adjustments are made. Situations are handled, requests are considered, valid interests are balanced
The Israelites are a collection of tribes, twelve states and a unifying tribe of Levi. This combination of nationhood and tribalism is familiar. The United States, and many, if not most, other countries are organized into this dynamic tension. There are issues that divide and issues that unify. Although it always leads to a level of conflict, the dynamic tension between them fosters growth.
The tribes of Reuben and Gad make a request. Perhaps they had mustered the courage to approach Moshe, Aaron and the elders from the success of the daughters of Zelophchod. They had seen how even a revolutionary request had not only been treated with respect, it had actually been granated!
From their perspective, staying on the newly conquered land east of the Jordan, an area destined to be "The Territories" makes perfect sense. These tribes can put this land, suitable only for grazing, not fertile enough for farming, to its best use, its maximum productive efficiency. Herding their sheep and cattle on this arid land was the best possible application. Wouldn't that be good for everyone?
From the national point of view, this is a secession. The power of a unified army had just been demonstrated in the Midian War. Was that army going to be reduced by 17%? Would more young men from the remaining 10 tribes die in battle while those of Reuben and Gad grew rich in their lone star state?
Moshe makes an agreement with the Confederate tribes. They can settle the eastern territories, but the army must be unified and they will contribute their share. This accord becomes the paradigm of the halachic contract. The conditions for fulfillment are clearly defined, the actions that constitute breech are spelled out, and the consequences for non-fulfillment are established ( and not excessively punitive). This is the section of the Torah that spawns lawyers.
The law is an ass. It must be goaded into justice
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