Friday, May 11, 2018


The first Rashi has become a moniker for oxymoronic juxtaposition.  What does the laws of the Sabbatical year have to do with Mt Sinai? Rashi emphasizes the validation of laws that are volcanically delivered in the archetypal communication from Gd through Moshe.  Mt Sinai validates the details of these laws that deal with the time value of money and ancestral property rights. 

The abrasive nature of the juxtaposition also derives from its totally theoretical aspects.  The Hebrews at Sinai, slaves for the past 410 years, without a memory of land holdings, are told these dovetailed laws of redemption, reversion and taxation of  sold land.  But they are in the wilderness, far from the land.  The fundamentals of these laws is are hard to grasp  in  a Manna based economy, in the abscene of any concrete experience

But then comes the rebuke, The section that foretells a holocaust like situation Its relevence to the Sabbatical year is  stated: the desolation of the land will repay the missed Sabbatical years prescribed in the first verses of the parsha.  The inanimate land will be avenged,  The source of the cornucopia will produced only toxic dust.  The people, who had tried to profit from an  ( forbiddedn) extra year  of planting will be disappointed, they will reap a famine.  The hunger causes people to leave the land, and there become paranoid Jews who run from rustling leaves, Jews who are robbed and scorned and cursed.  And persecuted and shot and gassed and burned . 

Does the fact that Gd kept this promise encourage faith in the source of Mercy?  Yes, somehow it does! 


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